i'm ready



To get started, simply fill in our short inquiry form and we'll get back to you shortly to learn more.

No matter where you are on your planning journey, we've seen it all... And we'll meet you where you are.

We'd love to hear from you

We'd Love To Hear From You

To get started, simply fill in our short inquiry form.
We'll get back to you shortly to learn more.

No matter where you are on your planning journey, we've seen it all... And we'll meet you where you are.

(514) 993-0041

B Y   T E X T

822 Rue Rachel Est
Montréal - QC - H2W 2J2

B Y   A P P O I N T E M E N T


B Y   E M A I L

For event inquiries, please use the form below

For any other inquiry, you can reach us here:

For event inquiries, please use the form below

For any other inquiry, you can reach us here:

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Tell us more about your event by filling the form and we'll be in touch shortly to learn more.
Consultations are always complimentary and the best way to get to know each other!

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Fanny & Corey

Her work was the exact vision I had for the wedding. I didn't have to be involved much, I trusted her process. She had great leadership and letting her work on the minute details took a lot off my plate during the wedding planning.
This had tremendous value to me.

Her work was the exact vision I had for the wedding. I didn't have to be involved much, I trusted her process. She had great leadership and letting her work on the minute details took a lot off my plate during the wedding planning.
This had tremendous value to me.